
Conditional triggering and modification of steps turns a boring, repetitive single-bar pattern into an interesting, evolving tapestry that plays out over many bars.

This example demonstrates a typical use of conditional triggering and modification. Note that this example refrains from demonstrating how pattern playback can further be influenced by chord auto transpose, punch-in/out, and song mode trigger patterns. It is however worth noting that a single 16-step pattern can easily be sufficient for an entire song once combined with forementioned features.

Without conditional triggering

A 16-step (1-bar) pattern with all elements in place.

8 bars of the same 16 steps without conditional triggering

With conditional triggering and modification

The exact same basic 16-step (1-bar) pattern with all elements being conditionally triggered and modified.

Demonstrated are pitch changes (note and octave), pitch induced timbre modifcations (hi-hat), pitch slides/portamento, ratchets (fast retriggering), conditional muting and prime-numbered intervals.

16 bars of the same 16 steps, however with conditional triggering and modification of some steps