The NES sound chip (Ricoh 2A0x series) has a total of 5 sound channels;

  • 2x pulse channels (4 pulse width modes selectable in addition to full square wave)
  • 1x triangle wave
  • 1x noise
  • 1x PCM

Emulating the two pulse channels is accomplished by putting a square wave oscillators on OSC1 and OSC2 and setting the algorithm to ring modulation. The pulse width (duty cycle) can be selected by modifying phase start of one of the oscillators. NES duty cycles are Phase Start 4, 8, 16 and 24. Use 0 or 32 for full square waves. The pulse channels may be effected by AEG decay or release (but not both). When applying AEG decay or release, make sure to apply to both. Set AEG response to exponential (negative values for AEG1 Depth and AEG2 Depth).

The triangle wave generator is typically used for basses and does not allow for decay to be applied. Its triangle waveform was "stepped" adding some overtones. This can be emulated by using the bit crusher.

The noise generator is easily simulated by using a single noise oscillator on OSC1 or OSC2. Use the Sample and Hold setting to change the flavor of the noise. The noise generator may also be effected by AEG decay or release (but not both).

You can in theory use any sampled audio for the PCM audio you wish on one track. However a majority of the NES library used only 4 channels due to cartridge space limitations.