Live jamming

Woovebox UI showing two buttons pressed (and held) in sequence
Dynamically create pitch slides; hold 1-16, then quickly play another 1-16 to slide from the first held 1-16 pitch to the second played 1-16 pitch (patch needs to be configure for live legato playing).

Despite its limitations, the Woovebox keyboard can be surprisingly expressive and very much suitable for live playing and improvising complex melodies.

Combined with legato, you can even dynamically create pitch glides; hold 1-16, then quickly play another 1-16 to slide from the first held 1-16 pitch to the second played 1-16 pitch. Note that to use glides, the patch needs to be configured to allow this. You can configure your patch on the 'Pich' (pitch) page; set Live Glide (LLGL) under 3/Ld to 'on'. Then set Legato Speed (LEG.S) under 7/hh to a value other than 0 to control the glide speed.

The way the keyboard translates key presses into note pitches, depends on how the FLW.C (follow chord) parameter on the 'Glob' (global) page is configured for your patch. For example, key presses may be automatically "pulled" toward the root note of the chord that is currently playing, or key presses may be automatically translated to the "legal" notes of the musical scale for your song. Please refer to the documentation to learn more about all the different modes at your disposal.