Context menu

The following options are available on the 'Pttn' page;

  • 'Chn nEXt' (chain next pattern) chains next pattern to the current pattern (see also chaining patterns in the quick start guide).
  • 'Chn 4' (chain next three patterns) chains the next three patterns to the current pattern for a total chain of four patterns (see also chaining patterns in the quick start guide).
  • 'Chn 8' (chain next seven patterns) chains the next seven patterns to the current pattern for a total chain of eight patterns (see also chaining patterns in the quick start guide).
  • 'Chn ALL' (chain all sixteen patterns) chains the next fifteen patterns to the current pattern for a total chain that comprises the full available sixteen patterns (see also chaining patterns in the quick start guide).
  • 'StEP LEn' (step length in milliseconds) shows how long one step takes on this track in milliseconds. Step length is influenced by the song's BPM setting and the current pattern's BPM divider ('b.div'/'bPM div') under the 'Pttn' page's 1/Cd key.