Chaining patterns

The Woovebox is all about "doing more with less". As such you are highly encouraged to prioritize creating variation through chord sequences, conditionals and using Song mode, rather than using more patterns.

However, in cases where a single 16-step pattern is too limiting (for example if you wish to record a long solo or melody), you can chain up to 16 patterns to create longer patterns, up to one long sequence of 256 steps per track.

You can change the current pattern by holding play and pressing 1-16 to change to pattern 1-16.

To chain the current pattern to another, use the value knob to switch to the "Pattern" ("Pttn") page. Change the "Chain next" ("") parameter under the 3/Ld key to reflect the pattern number that should play next after the current pattern. "SELF" means that the next pattern to be played should be the current pattern itself, which is the default behavior.

If you wish to repeat a pattern in a chain a few times before it switches to the next pattern, you can specify how many times the pattern should be repeated by changing the "chain repeat" ("Ch.rP") parameter under the 4/Ar key to reflect the amount of times you wish to loop the pattern before it switches to the next.

Via the context menu on the pattern ("Pttn") page of every track, you can also automate all this. You can quickly chain the next pattern ("Chn Next"), the next three patterns ("Chn 4"), the next seven patterns ("Chn 8") or chain all sixteen patterns ("Chn All").