Create a final track with Song mode

If you wish to use your Woovebox for full song production, the device comes with a powerful dedicated Song mode.

Once you have created one or more patterns elements and motifs across multiple tracks, you can sequence build-ups of these by switching to Song mode (hold value knob and short-press 16/Song).

Once in Song mode, turn the value knob to the right until the screen reads "Fr.01". You can now create and edit the first fragment (fragment 01) of your song.

When your song plays, the Woovebox steps through a number of fragments. Fragments have a length (specify length by holding write and turning value knob) for which they play and/or effect the tracks you specify. No length (e.g. length equals zero) and no tracks enabled (e.g. all LEDs are off), means that song playback should end at that fragment.

For example, to start fragment 01 off with the kickdrum and the bassline, hold write and short-press 5/Ki and then, while still holding write, short-press 2/Bs.

The kick and bass tracks now light up, indicating that they will play for the duration of this fragment.

Much like editing notes on tracks, in a Song mode fragment you can hold an active (e.g. "lit up") track and edit a number of settings. These settings include;

  • Behavior ("Behv") (play, mute, fade in/out, and various filter, pitch and stutter effects)
  • The pattern ("Pttn") that the track should play (note that chains are still respected)
  • Chord lock ("CdLk") determines whether the track should respond to chord changes
  • Retrigger Pattern ("retr.Pt") applies a special step retriggering pattern, allowing for retrigger-based variations - useful for fills and stutters or more radical transformations of notes

Use the context menu to insert, delete or clone fragments.