Randomizing a patch

As of firmware 2682, your Woovebox is able to generate an infinite number of random patches for specific categories of sounds.

The types of patches it comes up with are intelligently customised for the track's sound category (6/Sn on a track's GLob page). So, for example, if your track's sound category is a bass, the patch generator will generate a random bass patch.

To use the feature;

  • In any track's Pach page, find 'rand Pach' in the context menu (hold write, and short press the value button until you find the 'rand Pach' item).
  • Keep holding write.
  • Action the item by long pressing the value button.
  • Your Woovebox will report 'rand OK', and the track's patch has now been replaced with a suitable randomly generated sound.

Just like with trying out presets, remember you can always restore your previous patch by holding 16/A8.

TIP If you find a nice patch but want to keep exploring, you can copy the patch into the patch buffer by actioning the 'Copy Pach' item in the context menu.