Re-triggering effects

A fragment's 'rEtr' parameter governs how (if at all) the chosen pattern's steps should be re-triggered.

Having a pattern re-trigger for the duration of a fragment, can quickly and conveniently create fills, stutters or variations without having to change the pattern itself.

The following re-triggering types are available;

  • 'OFF'; re-triggering off. No re-triggering.
  • 'rP.1.4'; repeat 1-4. Keep repeating step 1 through 4.
  • 'L4.r.1'; for the last 4 steps repeat step 1. Play step 1 through 12 as normal, but repeat step 1 for step 13 through 16.
  • 'db.Ev'; double even steps. For every odd step, repeat the preceding even step instead.
  • 'rpt.1'; repeat 1. Keep repeating step 1.
  • 'rp.1.2'; repeat 1-2. Keep repeating step 1 and step 2.
  • 'rvSE'; reverse the pattern. Plays the pattern in reverse, starting at step 16.

All re-triggering effects assume a step length of 16 steps for each pattern.