EFct (global song-wide multi-effects) page

This page houses settings for global song-wide multi-effects. In addition to track-specific multi-effects, each track has effect sends for global reverb, chorus, delay 1 and delay 2 effects defined on this page.

1. dL.Ln Delay 1 Length

Length of delay in beats (one beat is one quarter note) for delay unit 1. For song BPMs below 80, options will be reduced.

2. dL.Fb Delay 1 Feedback

Feedback ("repeat") strength for delay unit 1.

3. dL.Wd Delay 1 Width

Delay between left and right channel "ping-pong" for delay unit 1

4. d2.Al Delay2 Algorithm

Specifies the algorithm for the second delay unit. Choose between;

  • dly (delay); standard delay, identical to delay 1
  • spkl (sparkle); applies ring modulation and a one octave pitch shift (up). Depending on the patch this introduces "pleasant" high frequency overtones such "sparkles" and "shimmers".

5. dL.Ln Delay 2 Length

Length of delay in beats (one beat is one quarter note) for delay unit 2. For song BPMs below 80, options will be reduced.

6. dL.Fb Delay 2 Feedback

Feedback ("repeat") strength for delay unit 2.

7. dL.Wd Delay 2 Width

Delay between left and right channel "ping-pong" for delay unit 2.

9. ch.SP Chorus Speed

Speed by which chorus effects unit bounces between chorus time 1 ("ch.t1") and chorus time 2 ("ch.t1").

10. ch.t1 Chorus Time 1

Time delay 1 between original signal and output signal. Chorus unit will bounce between chorus time 1 ("ch.t1") and chorus time 2 ("ch.t2") according to speed ("ch.SP").

11. ch.t2 Chorus Time 2

Time delay 2 between original signal and output signal. Chorus unit will bounce between chorus time 1 ("ch.t1") and chorus time 2 ("ch.t2") according to speed ("ch.SP").

13. rv.Fb Reverb Feedback

Specifies reverb feedback.

14. rv.tM Reverb Time

Specifies reverb time, with longer times sounding more cavernous (for example a cathedral) and short times sounding more compact (for example a studio space).