Context menu

The following context menu options are available on a track's 'GLob' page;

  • 'raiS MVL1' (raise master volume by one) raises the master volume perceptually by reducing the master volume ('M.VoL'/'MStr VoL' under the 1/Cd key) of all other tracks by one. Use this feature if you need to raise the volume of one track beyond 127 (max). Please note that the attenuation is an absolute value, and as a result some tracks may have their volume reduced to 0 and become inaudible.
  • 'raiS MVL8' (raise master volume by eight) raises the master volume perceptually by reducing the master volume ('M.VoL'/'MStr VoL' under the 1/Cd key) of all other tracks by eight. Use this feature if you need to raise the volume of one track beyond 127 (max). Please note that the attenuation is an absolute value, and as a result some tracks may have their volume reduced to 0 and become inaudible.