6. Snd Sound Category

Describes the general "human-identifiable" sound/role that this track plays in the composition.

For example, tracks set to "lead" ('LEad') will offer lead presets to choose from on the Patch ('Pach') page.

The following sound categories are available;

  • 'Bass' (bass); the primary use of the sound on this track is for a bassline.
  • 'Lead' (lead); the primary use of the sound on this track is for a lead.
  • 'Arpg' (arpeggio); the primary use of the sound on this track is for an arpeggio.
  • 'Chrd' (chord); the primary use of the sound on this track is for a chord.
  • 'Kick' (kick drum); the primary use of the sound on this track is for a kick drum.
  • 'Snre' (snare drum); the primary use of the sound on this track is for a snare drum.
  • 'HiHt' (hi hat); the primary use of the sound on this track is for a hi-hat.
  • 'Perc' (percussion); the primary use of the sound on this track is for a percussive element.
  • 'Para' (paraphonic); the primary use of the sound on this track is for a paraphonic chord.
  • 'Efct' (effect); the primary use of the sound on this track is for an effect.