9. SwnG Swing

Specifies the amount of swing that should be applied to notes played on the track.

Swing, also known as shuffle, is a rhythmic feel or groove commonly used in music production. It involves altering the timing and emphasis of notes within a musical phrase, creating a distinctive "swung" or "shuffled" rhythm. The offbeat notes are delayed or played slightly behind the beat, while the downbeat notes are played on the beat.

The SwnG value represents a percentage of travel between the current step and the next step. E.g. a value of 0 will never play any notes belated (swing off), while a value of 50 will play a "swung" note - exactly between two steps.

Swing can greatly influence the overall mood and character of a musical piece. It adds a human touch, injecting a sense of groove, spontaneity, and playfulness into the music. The degree of swing can vary, ranging from a subtle, barely perceptible swing to a pronounced and exaggerated swing feel, depending on the style and context of the music.

Please note that swing is applied on a 4/4 basis, even if your pattern has a non-4/4-compatible length. The result, when applied to polyrythms (for example a bassline with an odd pattern length) can sound be extremely "groovy" yet complex, making the impression a complex bassline was programmed or played live.