Two 'Mode' settings are available;
The Shrink module uses an iterative process; the strength of the Tighten or Dim effect is controlled by the number of 'Iterations', as well as the 'Regularization' parameter that dampens the effect. The stringing and pitting artefacts commonly produced by less sophisticated techniques, is thereby avoided.
The 'Color Taming' parameter forces stars to progressively adopt the colouring of their surroundings, like "chameleons".
The 'Halo Extend' parameter effectively grows the given mask temporarily, thereby including more of each star's surroundings.
If the image has been deconvolved or sharpened and the stars may be subject to subtle ringing artefacts, then the 'De-ringing' parameter will take this into account when shrinking the stellar profiles, as to not exacerbate the ringing.
The 'Un-glow' feature attempts to reduce the halos around bright, over-exposing stars. 'Un-glow Strength' throttles the strength of the effect. The 'Un-glow Kernel' specifies the width of the halos.
I'm relatively new to image processing and just wanted to say how straight forward and powerful StarTools is.
If you cannot find such stars and you need samples in a specific area you may choose samples that have a yellow core instead.
However the Synth module can physically model and emulate most real optical systems and configurations to obtain a desired result.
The latter module can be "overdriven" to trade increased detail for increased (though perceptually equalised) fine grain noise "artifacts".
You can convert everything you see to a format you find convenient. Give it a try!