Facebook page tabs

By adding Facebook page tabs to your Facebook page, you automatically provide your Facebook audience with all the same content and functionality of your AÍFE website. Using Facebook in this way can be a very powerful conduit. With AÍFE footprints being platform agnostic, it is entirely possible to make Facebook the focus of engaging with your audience, rather than your website. To AÍFE there is no difference.

Please note that due to a recent API change by Facebook, a page will require 2000 likes before Facebook allows page tabs on your page.

Adding page tabs to your Facebook page is quite simple;

  1. Ensure you have authorized AÍFE to manage your Facebook page and that your Facebook page has been set up.
  2. Click add page tab 1, 2, 3 or 4 under get started.
  3. In the Facebook dialog, choose the page that is associated with your footprint.
  4. Click Add Page Tab.
  5. A page tab will now have been added to your Facebook page.

To change the name/title of the page tab do the following;

  1. On your Facebook page, click Settings
  2. Click Edit Page (left hand menu),
  3. Click "Settings" next to the title of the page tab
  4. Click "Edit Settings"
  5. Give the page tab a Custom Tab Name.

To change the footprint content your page tab displays, go to settings > social media > facebook > page > tab 1, 2, 3 or 4 > uri and select a section by clicking on the field. Don't forget to hit publish to make you settings live.
