Virtual Reality experience

Virtual reality (VR) is an interactive computer-generated experience taking place within a simulated environment.

Your branded Virtual Reality experience lets your audience interact with your content in a completely simulated environment setting.

When combined with 360 photography, it is particularly useful for conveying what it's like to "be there". If you have a physical location that is important to your brand (such as a venue, shop or even factory), it is a fantastic way of communicating it and its important features.

You can promote your Virtual Reality experience by setting the section of your content where it should be promoted in via settings > presence > virtual reality > promotion > uri.

You can specify an eye catching text via settings > presence > virtual reality > promotion > text.

Your Virtual Reality experiences comes with the following features;

  • A branded loader
  • A branded interface environment
  • Text-to-speech narration
  • Separate 360 environment viewer
  • Automatic shadowing, light source direction detection and ambient lighting simulation
  • Link and form opening in browser
  • Compatibility with most major headsets vendors
  • Automatic control scheme detection, with gaze cursor fallback
  • 6 Degrees of Freedom allowing movement within environment
  • "Magic window" mode for 2D viewing on mobile
  • Backwards compatibility with most modern desktop and mobile browsers

By default your Virtual Reality experience uses your background graphic to set the tone, however it is highly recommended to add at least one suitable 360 image as a default environment image. To do so, go to settings > presence > virtual reality > default 360 image. Upload a suitable equirectangular (2:1 ratio) panorama image.

To create 360 images, you can use a smartphone app that can create "Photo Sphere" panoramas. Various apps exist for Android. Alternatively you can use a dedicated 360 camera, such as the Samsung Gear 360 or Ricoh Theta series. Note that uploading any 360 imagery to Google Street View may be beneficial to your footprint's visibility as well.

As with all footprint features that use text-to-speech, you can fine-tune pronunciations under settings > language > phonetics.
