Landing page

Directing your audience to a landing page is the fastest way to send them to the-thing-you-want-them-to-do. Often, but not always, the latter is the same as your call-to-action.

When you direct a member of your audience to a landing page, you have already decided for them the important thing you want them to see (and act on).

As such, landing pages remove anything that is unnecessary for that goal. Landing pages focus on funnelling the visitor to the thing-you-want-them-to do, after providing minimal but important context.

Landing pages are the perfect match for special offers, ads, or anything that is explained elsewhere and just needs a simple, branded "mini" website to convert click into a sale, a sign-up, etc.

They are also great "coming soon" or "under construction" stand-ins. A landing page with a custom message, mashed up with a contact page is a great way to establish a presence quickly, while you work on the rest of your content. Just create a temporary redirect to your landing page link under settings > presence > website > temporary redirect > uri and you're off!

Your AÍFE footprint offers no less than three types of landing pages;

  1. A landing page where context is provided by more static content from the content section. The thing-you-want-them-to-do is provided by your standard call-to-action. AÍFE creates a mash-up of the two. To obtain the link for such a landing page click on view content section + cta as landing page under get started.
  2. A landing page where context is provided by more dynamic content from the buzz section. The thing-you-want-them-to-do is provided by your standard call-to-action. AÍFE creates a mash-up of the two. To obtain the link for such a landing page click on view buzz section + cta as landing page under get started.
  3. A landing page where context is provided by content from the buzz section, while the thing-you-want-them-to-do is some other part of your static content, explicitly set by the buzz section item. AÍFE creates a mash-up of the two.

Use case example for landing page type #1

You are a software developer. You want people to sign up to your service. You get a query from a prospective user about pricing. You send a link to a landing page where your "pricing" content section serves at the context for, say, your "sign up" call-to-action. This way, the user gets an answer to the question (pricing), while simultaneously seeing everything they need to sign up. In this scenario, your landing page is a mash-up of a content item and your content call-to-action.

Note that if the section you choose for view content section + cta as landing page matches the call-to-action (e.g. they both point to the same content section item), then only the call-to-action is shown, without further context. This can be useful if you are absolutely certain that visitors following your link want to engage with your call-to-action (for example a sign-up form).

Use case example for landing page type #2;

You are a software developer. You want people to sign up to your service. You are running a 25%-off promotion. You want to run a Google ad campaign. Your buzz post (which has already gone out to your AÍFE-connected social media) details the 25%-off coupon. You use the same content from that buzz post as the context for your standard "sign up" call-to-action. Together they form a landing page for your Facebook ad. In this scenario, your landing page is a mash-up of a buzz item and your content call-to-action.

Use case example for landing page type #3;

You sell coffee beans. You want people to try your amazing new blend. Your buzz post about the new blend has already gone out to your AÍFE-connected social media. You have set your buzz post about the new blend to present itself like a landing page. To accompany your buzz post, you have selected a custom static content section (the product item/page for the new blend with a buy button), rather than the standard call-to-action. AÍFE creates a mash-up of the two. The resulting landing page shows your buzz post introducing the new blend, followed by the product item/page where they can buy the new blend. In this scenario, your landing page is a mash-up of a buzz item and a content item of your choice.
