Telegram chat bot

Telegram is a secure messaging service that is quickly gaining in popularity around the world. With over 200 million users it is fast becoming an independent and more trusted competitor to Facebook's Whatsapp.

Your content is available to anyone on Telegram as chat bot. Through it, Telegram users can query your content, browse it one-handedly, or include the bot into conversations with other Telegram users.

  1. Start a conversation with the BotFather bot. Choose register bot under get started, to open a conversation with the BotFather bot. Alternatively, in your Telegram client, choose search and search for @botfather.
  2. Hit Start to start the BotFather bot, which will help you create your new Telegram bot.
  3. Type (or click) /newbot to create a new bot and follow the instructions.
  4. Copy the token that is created for you and insert it in the field in the FMS under settings > presence > social media > telegram > bot > token.
  5. Put your bot's name in the field in the FMS under settings > presence > social media > telegram > bot > user name.

Don't forget to make your FMS settings live by hitting publish.

Your chatbot is "inline mode" capable. This means that users can include your bot in conversations with others. This also allows all participants to browse your bot's content, while the content and interface updates for everyone in real-time.

To enable inline mode, type (or click) /setinline while in conversation with BotFather. Then follow the instructions.

It is recommended to set a description (using /setdescription), about text (using /setabouttext) and picture (using /setuserpic) for your bot.

You can find a suitable user picture for your bot at
